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Get Your Career on Track at HeliSuccess 2011

Posted 12 years 345 days ago ago by Admin

What are you doing on November 6 & 7, 2011? Well, if you are a helicopter industry professional in the early stages or a transition phase of your career and you want to shake hands with the hiring authorities, put a face to a name, get your resume into the right hands, or seek an opportunity for learning and networking, then you might consider HeliSuccess 2011 in Las Vegas!

HeliSuccessThis FOURTH annual event sponsored by American Eurocopter, Reach Air Medical, FlightSafety International, and produced by the team from Verticalreference.com and Justhelicopters.com, comes a two day Helicopter Career Development Seminar and Networking Event for Helicopter Pilots, Mechanics and Operators titled “Heli-Success”
Seminar Producer Lyn Burks said, “As a veteran helicopter pilot and industry recruiter, I see so many people in this industry entering various job markets who are ill informed about their career path options. Additionally, they are not prepared to present themselves to the hiring authorities. First impressions and presentation are everything and we want to give the new generation the tools to make them more competitive and successful in the real world of helicopters.”
This educational seminar is designed to offer helicopter industry professionals, who may be in the early stages or a transition phase of their career, an opportunity for learning and networking. It is also geared toward those who are looking for inside information which may give them a competitive edge in the helicopter industry hiring process. It will focus on several areas that can make or break helicopter industry personnel in their quest for career success.
Seminar Topics:
  • Networking – Do or Die!
  • Tips for Pilots transitioning from Military to Civilian.
  • Professionalism and Attitude: Recipe for Success!
  • Resumes Tips, tricks and advice from the pro's.
  • Success in the Oil Patch: What to expect in the Gulf of Mexico. What they are looking for in a Pilot.
  • Advancement in the Helicopter Insdustry: Career Tracks.
  • Success flyng Tours. What to expect in the Tour Business. What they are looking for in a Pilot.
  • Careers in Advanced Flight Training.
  • So you want to be an EMS Pilot? What to expect.
  • Becoming a Firefighting or Utility Pilot.
  • Habits of great Pilots and Mechanic: Basic Survival 101.
  • Overseas flying opportunites.
  • Other Topics TBA.
Lyn Burks also said, “So far, each year we have received tremendous support from the Industry for this much needed event. In addition to myself, we have guest speakers from several of the largest players in the helicopter industry including Bristow Group, Night Flight Concepts, Air Methods Corporation, ERA Helicopters, Med-Trans, Flight Safety International, and Papillon Grand Canyon Helicopters just to name a few.”
Who might this seminar benefit?
Students presently in a Pro Pilot Training Program. Flight Instructors getting ready to break out of the training environment and into the real world. Pilots and Mechanics considering transferring to other sectors of the industry. i.e., GOM to EMS. Pilots and Mechanics transitioning from Military to Civilian. Professionals wanting to meet the Helicopter Operator Hiring Authorities at the Operator/Attendee Networking event.
What's included in Seminar/Networking Event Package
  • 2 Day Career Development SeminarHeliSuccess Scholarship Awards
  • SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS: Two seminar attendees will be awarded Scholarship Funding for advanced helicopter training.
  • FREE Ebook titled "Your Resume vs. The Helicopter Industry! Resume Guide for Helicopter Pilots and Mechanics"
  • FREE Catered Lunch on Day 1
  • FREE ENTRY into Employer/Attendee Networking Event
  • Course Materials and Sponsor Products
  • Discounted room rate ($62) at the host hotel, The Riviera Resort, Casino & Conference Center
Dennis Pierce, Owner, Colorado HeliOps -  “Currently, pilots looking for jobs must make themselves stand out more than ever. There are a lot of pilots out there looking for their first CFI job, their next career step, as well as high time pilots looking to improve their positions. I have received hundreds of resumes over the past two years and met many pilots and mechanics looking for new opportunities. I tell them all the same thing, “the number one, best thing they can do for their career is to attend the Heli-Success Career Seminar in Las Vegas”. 
Whether you are just thinking about making this a career, or if it’s been a lifelong career, you should take the time to go. Last year we had a table at the job fair/networking event, as we were looking for some new team members and had heard great things about the event. I was amazed at who was there. !t’s almost like the best kept secret in the industry, and to tell the truth, if I didn’t care about the industry and everybody in it, I would keep it a secret so I didn’t have to share all the cool people and amazing industry contacts the event affords.”
Rune A., Helicopter CFI -  “After the first couple of speakers, it was clear to me that this seminar was different from other seminars/conferences I had previously attended. My pre-aviation career in IT, telecommunications and business development had given me my share of conferences.
This was profoundly different in that the whole setup was rigged towards the goal. The speakers covered the most relevant, interesting aspects of career development within the helicopter industry. Equally as important, frequent breaks were incorporated into the program. Before each break, it was emphasized that breaks were valuable opportunities to get to know the other attendees and the speakers.
HeliSuccess EMS DiscussionEven though I was not the primary target group (having gotten my commercial 2 days before with a total of 151 hrs) I felt welcome and was surprised to see how eager everybody was to learn about each others situation and give hints on how to reach goals.
Throughout the breaks I got to rub shoulders with a few potential future employers. Even with relatively  few hours in my log book,  I learned a lot more about my future path and how to move on in this industry. This setting was perfect for building a network within this industry. HeliSuccess gave me the foundation for a network and since writing this, has led to opportunities which resulted in my current position  working as a Helicopter Instructor Pilot.”
Bob L.,  Tour Pilot, Papillon Airways  - “As I think back on the Heli-Success conference, I believe the mindset I brought with me was helpful. I arrived with the frame of mind that I needed to make the most of the conference.  I felt pressure, being out of work at the time, to make something happen.  The event motivated me to speak to as many people as I could.
The first afternoon prior to the HeliSuccess kick off, they hold an FAA Safety Team (FAAST) meeting and Social Hour afterwards. Following the FAAST meeting and Social Hour, I met several new people from the industry, and subsequently I was invited to dinner. I was happy when I realized we would be having dinner with several of the presenters of the conference. I particularly enjoyed listening to Barry Lloyd, Ops Manager of CALFIRE and 44 year veteran of the industry, tell his stories as we ate that night.

On day one of the conference, I spoke with several friends I knew from my previoius employer/flight school who were there with Mike Gullotti, one of the Chief Pilots at Papillon Grand Canyon Helicopters.  I reconnected with my friends in an effort to catch up on old times, as well as to learn more about the hiring process at Papillon.  I introduced myself to Mike Gullotti and asked if I could visit his operation in Boulder City while I was in town for the conference. He agreed to set an appointment with me for two days later.
On the second day of the conference, I saw Mike Gullotti in the conference room where the job fair was to be held. I re-introduced myself, and confirmed our appointment for the following day. Interestingly, one of my pilot mentors, Mike Franz, noticed I was speaking with Mr. Gullotti and excused himself from the conversation he was having and joined us. Mike Franz informed Mr. Gullotti that we had conducted two very long ferry flights in an EC120, and provided a brief summary of the training he had given me during these flights.
The following day I met with Mike Gullotti in his office. He reviewed my resume, and asked me a few questions. I believe it was helpful that I knew several of his current employees from flight school.   He appeared to give the recommendation from Mike Franz a lot of credit as well. I was informed that official interviews would begin in January. I was subsequently interviewed, went through the hiring process and offered a pilot position at Papillon Airways.

The Heli-Success conference was helpful because it draws a large group of pilots together.  This alone is fun and an opportunity to learn first hand what is going on in other areas of the industry.  I was impressed with the many presentations and the level of training and experience the presenters had gained.  It was a positive experience for me to see these types of people take an interest in the younger generation.  Because this is not a "get your training and there will be a job waiting for you" industry, the journey is tough and can become discouraging.  It was very motivating for me to hear the presenter’s success stories, encouraging messages, and tips for succeeding in the helicopter industry……..and landing a new job out of the event was not a bad deal either!
To learn more about the 2011 Heli-Success Seminar and Networking Event, please visit the Career Development section of Justhelicopters.com here: http://www.justhelicopters.com/tabid/233/Default.aspx