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Helicopter Flight Training Sponsors

The Best Among Us

Posted 10 years 193 days ago ago by Admin

The Best Among Us
A poem by helicopter pilot Marshall Murdock

The best among us are not among us,
You will not find them here;
They stand on distant lands and shores,
For freedom’s cause so dear.

While blessed with free will, they use theirs
To guard us, one and all,
And stand in harm’s way, far from home,
For a higher cause and call.

Theirs is an undeniable truth,
Unique to the history of man;
As compassionate conquerors, their legacy left
Is freedom in that once troubled land.

Now, far away, a man’s smile has returned,
His dreams are now his to pursue;
Without fear of reprisals, he’ll relish with joy
Daily freedoms so common to you.

Where our soldiers once bled, children now schooled and fed,
Discover joys they’ve never known;
Truths never allowed, now find fertile ground
In hearts that yearn just like our own.

Those best among us may seem so far from us
As they willingly enter the fray;
But we hear their resolve in our own peaceful dawn, asking,
“What will you do to preserve freedom today?”

Here, a folded flag is held to a broken heart;
Tears honor hallowed ground like rain.
But God’s promised sweet reunion means a short separation;
We will hold our loved ones again.

So when we are blessed to have those best among us,
Return to their Nation’s embrace,
Stop! Don’t pass by. Give deep, heartfelt thanks!
For our debt to them time can’t erase.

Editor’s Note: Marshall Murdock is a Helicopter Tour Pilot with Papillon Grand Canyon Helicopters and wrote this poem in honor of all who have served in the Armed Forces of The United States of America.