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Helicopter Flight Training Sponsors

Join the Military to Civilian Transition Workshop

Posted 3 years 88 days ago ago by Admin


Military to Civilian Transition Workshop
Monday, March 7, 12pm to 6pm
Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center
Dallas, Texas
HAI’s Heli-Expo 2022

This is your formal invitation to join us at HAI’s Heli-Expo 2022 Military to Civilian Transition Workshop!

Who is it for?

Military pilots and maintenance technicians who are planning to transition into the civilian aviation sector.

It’s never too early to start working on your future.  Even if you are planning to retire or leave the military in a few years, now is the time to begin paving the way for that huge transition.  The list of former military folks that have benefited from this workshop numbers in the hundreds!

What does it cost?

It’s FREE!

You do need to register for this amazing event but there is no cost to you.  Registration began October 25; go to www.heliexpo.com to register.  Consider attending the entire Expo and taking advantage of the numerous displays, classes, presentations and industry meetings.  There is a discount rate for active duty military attendees that wish to attend the full Expo.
What can I expect at the Mil2Civ Workshop?

    •    Presentations on all the essential topics to prepare you for the future
    •    Dozens of volunteer mentors ready to provide one-on-one advice and guidance
    •    Mentors from nearly every type of job in our industry
    •    Hearing success stories from other Mil2Civ alums who can share lessons learned
    •    Professional resume reviews
    •    Advice on conducting job interviews
    •    How to properly log your flight time
    •    How to network
    •    How to obtain civil pilot certificates and privileges
    •    How to speak “civilian” aviation
    •    A photo booth to help complete part of your new networking strategy (LinkedIn, etc)
    •    And so much more…
    •    Most Importantly:  Companies looking for pilots and maintainers that want to talk to you on the spot!

If the bullets above haven’t convinced you to join us on March 7, let me tell you more.  The dozens of volunteer mentors that attend this workshop year after year do this because of their love of helicopters, their care for our industry, their passion to help fellow veteran aviators/maintainers and their belief in networking.  With the exception of the word “helicopter”, you will hear the word “networking” more than anything else.  This workshop, hands down, is the finest opportunity for a transitioning service member to network.

But wait!  There’s more: If you plan to attend the workshop and need to obtain your MilComp FAA pilots certificate, flight instructor certificate or even a type rating, we can do it on the spot!  You will need to take and pass the proper written test(s), do a small bit of pre-coordination with me and bring the proper paperwork.  If you’re interested in doing this, please see the Sept/Oct 2020 issue of Rotorcraft Pro.  (www.rotorcraftpro.com/magazine, scroll down to “View Past Issues” and select “Sept/Oct 2020”).  In that issue, I explain in detail how to obtain FAA certificates and ratings via MilComp.  When you’re ready to coordinate, please email me at [email protected].

See you in Dallas!

About the author: Scott Tinnesand   is an experimental test pilot and instructor pilot at The Boeing Company in Mesa, Arizona, flying AH-64 Apaches, AH-6 Little Birds and airplanes.  During his 33-year aviation career, he has been an Army pilot, EMS pilot, flight instructor and test pilot.  Tinnesand is an FAA Designated Pilot Examiner, FAA Safety Team representative, volunteer and active pilot mentor as well as a co-chair of the Mil2Civ Transition Workshop at HAI’s Heli-Expo.