Welcome to the Justhelicopters.com Helicopter Flight Training - Schools Directory. To learn more about a specific school, click on their logo. To read an article with tips on "How to choose a helicopter flight training school." [READ ARTICLE NOW]
R22 and R22 IFR Trainer
R44 Raven II and Clipper
Guimbal G2 Cabri (IFR)
Elite TH100 Simulator
Part 141
Turbine Transition
R22 and R44
VA Approved
Degree Programs
High Altitude Training
Part 61 and Part 141
External Load
Mountain Flying
F-1 and M-1 Visa
Housing Available
Post 9/11 GI Bill Benefits
Frasca Flight Simulator
Two Locations - Saratoga and Stewart Airports
Rotor and Fixed Wing TrainingR22, R44, R66Part 141Post 9-11 GI Bill ApprovedF-1 and M-1 I-20 ProgramsStudent HousingMountain FlyingExternal Load
R22/R44 Service Center
College Degree Program
FAA Self Examing Authority
Post 9/11 GI Bill Approved
NVG Training
M-1 Visa
Private thru CFII
R66 Turbine Transition
Aerial Cinematography
High Density Altitude
Rotor and Fixed Wing
Bell 407
Aerial Fire Training
Long Line Training/Vertical Reference Course
Ground Crew Training
Recurrent Training
OnBoard System Cargo Hooks
Bambi Buckets