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Articles for tag NTSB Report


NTSB Final Report: Springfield, MO

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The student pilot reported having completed one flight around the airport traffic pattern with a flight instructor in preparation for the student pilot’s first solo flight. They then landed near a fixed base operator at the airport, and the flight instructor exited the helicopter. The student pilot took off and practiced hovering, hovering taxi, and flew three airport traffic patterns before returning to the grass area at the airport for additional hover and hover taxi practice. The windshield began to fog during the additional practice, so the student pilot landed the helicopter to turn the blower fan switch on, but did not engage the collective friction or reduce the engine power. The student pilot said he had never used the blower fan switch, and it took a couple of seconds to locate, during which time the helicopter rolled right, and the main rotor blades contacted the ground. The helicopter came to rest on its left side.

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Tags: NTSB Report
Categories: Press Releases


NTSB Final Report: Buras, LA

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The pilot reported that after returning from a local flight, he entered an in-ground effect hover taxi directly into the wind at the airport. While in the hover the pilot started a right pedal turn when he encountered a sudden right quartering tailwind. The pilot attempted to correct for the sudden wind; however, directional control was immediately lost, and the helicopter impacted the runway upright which resulted in substantial damage to the main rotor system, the fuselage, and tail rotor system.

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Tags: Buras LA NTSB Report
Categories: Press Releases


NTSB Final Report: Cisco, GA

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On June 18, 2024, about 1330 eastern daylight time, a Garlick Helicopters Inc, OH-58A+, N72BM, was substantially damaged when it was involved in an accident near Cisco, Georgia. The pilot sustained minor injuries. The helicopter was operated as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 137 aerial application flight.

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Tags: Cisco GA NTSB Report
Categories: Press Releases


NTSB Final Report: De Kalb, TX

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On March 11, 2023, about 1530 central standard time, a Robinson Helicopter R-44, N4164T, was substantially damaged when it was involved in an accident near De Kalb, Texas. The pilot and one passenger were not injured, a second passenger sustained minor injuries, and a third passenger was seriously injured. The helicopter was operated as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 aerial observation flight.

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Tags: De Kalb NTSB Report TX
Categories: Press Releases


NTSB Final Report: Miami, FL

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On December 27, 2023, at 1259 eastern standard time, a Hughes 369E helicopter, N757TB, was substantially damaged when it was involved in an accident near Miami, Florida. The pilot was fatally injured, and the passenger sustained minor injuries. The helicopter was operated as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 personal flight.

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Tags: FL Miami NTSB Report
Categories: Press Releases


NTSB Final Report: San Diego, CA

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On November 22, 2022, about 1750 Pacific standard time, a Sikorsky UH-60A, N160AQ, and a U.S. Navy Sikorsky MH-60R, 166583, were substantially damaged when they were involved in a mid-air accident near San Diego, California. There were no injuries to the two pilots in the UH-60, or the two pilots and one non-flying crewmember in the MH-60R. The UH-60 was operated as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 training flight. The MH-60R was operated as an Armed Forces public use flight.

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Categories: Press Releases


NTSB Final Report: Las Vegas, NV

Posted by Admin

On November 18, 2022, about 1027 Pacific standard time, a Cessna 172M, N88E, and a Robinson R44, N4050P, collided over runway 30R at North Las Vegas Airport (VGT), Las Vegas, Nevada. The flight instructor and student pilot on board the Cessna and the student pilot on board the Robinson were not injured. Both aircraft were operated under the provisions of Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 as instructional flights.

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Tags: Las Vegas NTSB Report NV
Categories: Press Releases


NTSB Preliminary Report: Parrottsville, TN

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NTSB Preliminary Report: Parrottsville, TN

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Tags: NTSB Report Parrottsville TN
Categories: Press Releases


NTSB Final Report: Lewiston, ID

Posted by Admin

According to the pilot, while performing an aerial application on a field, the helicopter struck a set of power lines that he was previously aware of and had been working around during the flight. Following the impact with wires, he initiated a forced landing to a field. The helicopter sustained substantial damage to the main rotor blades, transmission, tail rotor drive shaft, and tail boom.

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Tags: ID Lewiston NTSB Report
Categories: Press Releases