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Baldwin Safety and Compliance collaborates with GE to improve SMS efficiency

Baldwin Safety andamp; Compliance announced it now integrates event data from GE's Flight Operational Quality Assurance (FOQA) system. This integration marks a significant stride in providing effortless access to crucial safety information, eliminating the need to navigate across various platforms. By harnessing the power of the GE application programming interface (API), a multitude of flight event data points will seamlessly flow into the Baldwin safety system. This data will integrate the human and machine data within the Baldwin platform to analyze, track, and monitor safety events. Flight Operations Quality Assurance (FOQA), also referred to as Flight Data Monitoring (FDM), is a process that routinely captures and analyzes flight recorder data, ultimately enhancing flight operation's safety programs. Many aviation operators rely on GE's patented analytics software that combines weather information, navigation, and terrain data to identify safety events and measurements involving thousands of flights daily. Donald Baldwin, the founder of Baldwin Safety andamp; Compliance, underlined the significance of this fresh development. He noted, "This new GE FOQA integration is another safety element to improve efficiency and takes us a step closer to realizing our vision of a unified system for comprehensive safety and operations management." Dr. Jason Starke, Director of Safety at Baldwin Safety andamp; Compliance commented, "Simplifying the safety data gathering process is important, and the additional GE FOQA data equips users with the necessary tools to delve into event investigation and tracking. The Baldwin suite of tools will seamlessly handle the imported data for reporting and analysis that can be used to review or expand key safety performance indicators (SPI) and assurance charts."
Created 1 years 70 days ago
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