Welcome to the Justhelicopters.com Original Forum, one of the busiest and fastest paced Helicopter Forums in the World. The "Original" Forum is intended to be a place that ALL associated members of the helicopter industry can discuss or share ANY information that is of significance to the Industry. Due to the anonymous format there may be some posts that are personally objectionable. The intent is to create an environment that fosters (not inhibits) open and honest communications. Our advice to the new visitor is to not be intimidated by the rawness or controversial nature of some discussions and read only the information that you find interesting. Ask any question and you will get an answer!
Do not use names, initials, or identifiable descriptions of individuals in our industry in an attempt at character assassination unless you are willing to post your full name and email and stand behind your words. Be sure to read the terms of the site (click here for TERMS of use). Pay particular attention to #2(a) under Rules of Conduct in the terms of use. Even though you are free to
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Disagreement and dissent is not discouraged. However, professionalism is encouraged.
The Forum is loosely moderated to encourage open and honest participation, however, Justhelicopters.com reserves the right to delete posts we determine are irrelevant, disruptive, or a nuisance to the community.
Finally, by posting your message, you agree to indemnify the owners, employees, agents and representatives of LLB Enterprises Group, Inc/Justhelicopters.com and to hold them harmless from any and all claims and liabilities (including attorneys fees) resulting from any material posted to the Forum, or from any acts resulting from participants' use of these forums.
Regards, Lyn Burks - www.justhelicopters.com