Articles for tag NAASCO
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Shirley, NY, Tuesday, February 4, 2025 We’ve all heard the saying, “Relationships matter,” but the Ross Aviation and NAASCO team takes that to heart. Starting in early 2000, Jim Leslie, “Uncle Jimmy,” of NAASCO, and Mark Biggs, of Ross Aviation, met at Helitech (now European Rotors). They discussed setting up a stocking distribution agreement and executed it within a few weeks. Over the years, Uncle Jimmy and Aunt Paulette developed a strong relationship with Mark and Donna Biggs. Mark and Donna visited NY with their two sons for several business family holidays, and Jimmy and Paulette visited them in the UK. These personal connections have strengthened our professional partnership. Fast forward 22+ years, this relationship is still going strong. Now, Mark and Donna’s son Tom Biggs is the Managing Director, and the partnership between Ross Aviation and NAASCO could not be stronger.
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