Articles for tag IMMOKALEE
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The flight instructor stated that the accident flight was an introductory flight for a new student pilot. He stated that during an introductory flight, it was normal for a student pilot to take the cyclic control and get familiar with the “feel” of the helicopter. During the accident pilot, the student pilot hovered the helicopter at 10 ft above ground level for about 10 minutes with no anomalies, then suddenly, the student pilot pushed the cyclic forward and to the right “very fast.” The flight instructor could not regain control before the main rotor contacted the ground. The helicopter rolled to the right and came to rest on tits right side, sustaining substantial damage to the main rotor mast, tail rotor, and fuselage. The flight instructor stated there were no preimpact mechanical malfunctions or failures of the helicopter that would have precluded normal operation.
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