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DPE Availability in the Reno FSDO District

The Reno Flight Standards District Office would like to make sure all the Reno  Designated Pilot Examiners are reachable to arrange certification checks for which they are authorized. Please see the attached list for this information. 


The Reno Office feels that a 3 week or so lead time is reasonable and may be obtained by checking with all DPEs on the list ( see the attached file ) before actually booking a time for the check ride.  This email is being sent to CFIs in the Reno District.  CFIs should only assist in scheduling a check ride when they know the applicant will be trained for a successful completion.

Should your attempt to schedule a check once you have contacted all the DPEs and find your check not in a reasonable time frame then please contact the FAASTeam Program Manager of the Reno FSDO at [email protected].  You must identify the attempts you have made with all of Reno DPEs to gain additional help in scheduling your requested check.

POC for this Notice:  [email protected],  775-379-6934

Created 314 days ago
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