FLIGHT ADVISORY - 2025 Joint Session of Congress Washington, D.C.

National Special Security Event
2025 Joint Session of Congress
Washington, D.C.
The entire flight advisory may be accessed and downloaded at the following address:
At the request of the Department of Homeland Security, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) will issue Temporary Flight Restrictions (TFRs) for the Washington, D.C., area to provide appropriate security measures for the Joint Session of Congress event. The TFR will increase the Washington, D.C., Metropolitan Area Special Flight Rules Area (DC SFRA) and Washington, D.C., Metropolitan Area Flight Restricted Zone (DC FRZ) restrictions for March 04, 2025.
The FAA will publish increased security restrictions for the DC SFRA and DC FRZ airspace by NOTAM no later than February 26, 2025:
Additional DC SFRA Flight Restrictions:
- DOD, Law Enforcement and Air Ambulance operations authorized by the Air Security Operations Center (ASOC) are permitted within the DC SFRA. Prior coordination and approval must be obtained from the ASOC at 866-598-9524. Coordination calls will not be accepted more than 48 hours in advance of the NOTAM effective time.
- Part 135 and Part 91 aircraft on an active IFR flight plan may arrive and/or depart Dulles International Airport (IAD), Baltimore Washington International Airport (BWI) and Manassas Regional/Davis Airport (HEF) ONLY.
- Part 135 and part 91 IFR/VFR flights are not authorized to transit through the DC SFRA, with the exception of IFR aircraft landing BWI, IAD or HEF.
- The provisions of 14 CFR 93.345 and letters of agreement which authorize egress procedures for the following airports will be suspended:
A. Barnes (MD47)
B. Flying M Farms (MD77)
C. Mountain Road (MD43)
D. Robinson (MD14)
E. Skyview (51VA)
- LOAs covering ingress/egress for Maples Field (VG57) and Goose Hunt Farm (3VA5) will be suspended.
- The provisions of 14 CFR Part 93.339 which authorize VFR traffic pattern operations at SFRA airports will be suspended.
- The provisions of FDC NOTAM 4/1789, which authorize ingress/egress procedures for Leesburg Airport (JYO) will be suspended.
- The provisions of FDC NOTAM 4/1783, UAS operations in the SFRA will be suspended.
Washington DC FRZ Restrictions:
- DOD, Law Enforcement and Air Ambulance operations authorized by the Air Security Operations Center (ASOC) will be permitted within the DC FRZ. Prior coordination and approval must be obtained from the ASOC at 866-598-9524. Coordination calls will not be accepted more than 48 hours in advance of the NOTAM effective time. Operations on or near Helicopter Route 1 from the Cabin John Bridge to the Prince Georges Center and within Zone 1 and 2 should be lifesaving or national security missions ONLY.
- All aircraft, except approved Diplomatic flights, arriving and/or departing from Joint Base Andrews (ADW) or Davison Army Airfield (DAA) MUST coordinate with and receive approval from the ASOC at 866-598-9524. Coordination calls will not be accepted more than 48 hours in advance of the NOTAM effective time. An airport Prior Permission Required (PPR) does not authorize flight into or out of the DC FRZ.
- Foreign aircraft issued a Department of State diplomatic clearance are authorized to land or depart ADW ONLY.
- The provisions of FDC NOTAM 4/2565 and 14 CFR Part 93, which authorize operations at the Maryland 3 airports known as Potomac Airfield (VKX) and College Park Airport (CGS), will be suspended.
Prohibited Operations ANYWHERE within the SFRA/FRZ:
Model Aircraft, Unmanned Aircraft (UAS), Aerobatic Maneuvers, Glider Operations, Parachute Operations, Ultralights, Lighter than Air/Balloon/Moored Balloon, Agricultural/Crop Dusting/Spraying, Animal Population Control, Banner Towing, Utility/Pipeline Patrols, Aircraft/Helicopters operating from a ship or private/corporate yacht, Model Rockets, or Maintenance Flights. Flight Training/Practice Approaches are prohibited.
All flight waivers to operate within the SFRA/FRZ will be temporarily suspended during the time of this NOTAM, except waivers beginning with LEA, LFG, ELO, GOV, SPO, and UFR.
The NOTAM discussed in this advisory may change with little or no notice. Pilots are advised to check NOTAMs frequently for possible changes prior to operations in the area. Pilots are strongly advised to contact a Flight Service Station at 1-800-WX-BRIEF (1-800-992-7433) prior to flight to check for all current NOTAMS.
The FAA point of contact for the 2025 Presidential Address to the Joint Session of Congress is the National Capital Region Coordination Center (NCRCC), which can be reached at 866-598-9522.