USHST Monthly Safety Report for July 2024

Created 99 days ago
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Categories: HeliNews Headlines
Views: 145

US Helicopter Safety Team (USHST)

Monthly Safety Report

July 2024

Fatal Accident Rate:  0.63 (+.08) above goal of 0.55 fatal accidents per 100K hrs by 2025

USHST VisionA Civil Helicopter Community with Zero Fatal Accidents


“Safety by the Numbers” (Monthly Metrics):

Days since last Fatal helicopter accident:  13 Days : 20 Hours : 23 Minutes : 56 Seconds

Fatal Accident Rate (5yr avg)(CY2020-24) 0.63 Fatal Accidents per 100K Flight Hours

Fatal Accident Rate (CY2024) 4 Fatal Accidents per 100K Flight Hours

To view the remainder of this report please go to: Reports/Data – USHST


For any questions regarding the information within this notice please contact Clarke Pleasants, Program Chair-Rotor, ERAU, at 928-7774730 or email at [email protected]